When you factor with Aminvoicefund, you’ll get FREE access to our exclusive programs. Because we have over five decades of experience, we know what will grow your business and save you money. Our goal is to see your company succeed.
The large down payment on insurance for a big rig is one of the main challenges owner-operators face. With Aminvoicefund, you can defer up to 50% of your insurance down payment. There are no hidden fees or interest charges. Don’t let a large down payment stand in the way of your dream.
Aminvoicefund can advance up to 50% of any load that you factor with us.* We also offer Saturday advances for your fuel card.
As a Aminvoicefund client, drivers get FREE access to Search4Freight—a freight load board that has new loads each day in real-time. Customize searches to find the perfect match and access the load board from anywhere on any device.
Save money on fuel by utilizing our Aminvoicefund Fuel Finder. Our exclusive Fuel Finder leverages the full power of the Aminvoicefund discount fuel program with real-time data. Aminvoicefund Fuel Finder features user-friendly route planning and customer-specific discount fuel prices across the country.
Save up to 90¢ a gallon on fuel by utilizing our fuel discount cards from Comdata®️ and EFS®️. Not only will the savings add up, Aminvoicefund can also fund your fuel cards Monday–Sunday until 11:00PM (central time). Skip the bank processing time AND save money on fuel!
Running an independent trucking company can be overwhelming, and you won’t always have a computer on hand to handle your finances. With our industry-leading
Aminvoicefund: Get Paid® app, you can manage your finances anywhere and anytime. Get fast, same-day pay for your loads